Photo Gallery - Forest School
Forest School is not only 'just' about Fire Lighting, Den Building, Mud and Tools, it also has fantastic links to the National Curriculum. Where possible, we link as much as we can during our Forest School Sessions to the Curriculum. Surprisingly enough, you find the children choosing themselves to work on projects that link to their class Discovery Topics. I truly cannot express how amazing this is to witness and see.
At Forest School we are able to link our work to many different class subjects. These may include:
- Design and Technology
- Religious Education
- PE - Physical Development
- Maths
- English (Reading and Writing)
- Art and Design
- Drama
- Science
- Geography
- Music
- Food Technology - We grow our own school vegetables and take to the school kitchen for cooking. We also use the campfire for tasty snacks!
- Basic First Aid
The children attending their Forest School Sessions will also benefit from Mindfulness and Well-Being Sessions, Self-Care Interventions and also provide them with time to relax and clear their minds.
For the younger children, Forest School can also be great for improved speech and language, developing fine motor skills, improved communication , confidence and self-esteem.