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Bobbing Village School

Small in numbers, large at heart.


Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education at  Bourne Alliance helps children to gain the knowledge, skills and understanding they will need to develop into confident, respectful, healthy and independent individuals who are prepared to live and work in modern Britain.

The content of our PSHE curriculum is built around statutory content, subject matters that must be explored,  the context of our school family  and our Bourne Alliance ‘Ethos and Values’.    This enables us to make a PSHE Curriculum designed with our pupils and their needs at the heart of what we do.    We know that when the content of our learning is relevant and relatable the children will be able to use their new skills in real life and understand why the learning is important and how it helps them develop as an individual.

Pupils working

Our learning covers 5  main core themes

  • Health and  wellbeing 
  • Family and relationships
  •  Safety and the changing body
  • Citizenship
  • Economic wellbeing

In addition, Year 6 will cover a unit  about Identity, Year 4 will have an additional  puberty  lesson and  Year 5 will still be taught about FGM in line with our safeguarding policy. 

 PSHE lessons  are delivered  through the Kapow scheme and additionally through :

  • Assemblies
  • Campaigns such as ‘Anti-Bullying Week’ and Safer Internet Day
  • Our school culture and values
  • Outside agencies such as Bikeability, emergency service visitors and health professionals

PSHE is embedded throughout the wider curriculum, supporting subjects such as PE, science, geography and computing. This is complimented by a wealth of enrichment activities such as residential trips, school visits, outside agencies and sporting events. We also offer support to individuals and small groups through targeted nurture groups and 1:1 ELSA sessions.

Six simple ways to practise PSHE at home:

  • From a young age, encourage your child to dress and undress independently and manage their own hygiene , such as by washing hands after using the toilet.
  • Provide a role-play area resourced with materials reflecting your child's interests.
  • Encourage your child to help you plan and cook healthy recipes. Take them shopping and involve them in decision-making.
  • Make time for simple activities such as board  game to encourage teamwork and help children learn to take turns.
  • With older children, use documentaries and other media to discuss issues around our place and responsibilities in society.
  • Give plenty of positive encouragement and praise to build self-esteem, and when they do something wrong, help them reflect on why their behaviour was unkind/selfish/rude and think of how they could have handled the situation instead.

Following a review of PSHE undertaken by the Government ‘Relationship Education’ and ‘Health Education’ are compulsory and pupils cannot be withdrawn from these lessons.  However, ‘Sex Education’ is not compulsory in Primary Schools  and when  taught parents will retain the right to withdraw their children unless it is part of the National Curriculum for Science  e.g. puberty. This is because the Department of Education recognises the parents’ rights to teach their own children about sex in a way that fits with their own values and principles. More information in regards to the right to withdraw can be found in our   RSE Policy.